Braeside Park East HOA
Restrictions, Covenants
From the City of Lee’s Summit: Sec. 5-10. - Prohibition of waste on private or public property.
It shall be unlawful for an owner, keeper, harborer or maintainer of any animal to permit it to defecate or deposit fecal matter on or upon private property (other than the property on which the animal is legally being kept), or on public property unless such waste is immediately removed and properly disposed.)
PARKING SPACES: All residents are assigned (1) one parking space per unit. Respect your neighbor’s parking rights by using your allotted parking space. The board has endorsed a parking violation notice to be placed on vehicles which are parked in the entryways to the common ground parking lots or which are otherwise violating the rights of other residents. Vehicles will be towed at the owner’s expense. Boats, trailers, etc. are not to be parked in parking lots. Make sure these items do not interfere with the parking of other residents. Skateboarding, bicycling, basketball, baseball, scooters, etc. are not permitted in the parking lots.
BLOCKED DRIVEWAYS: Occasionally, parking lots do get overloaded with both resident and visitor cars. If you are unable to drive to your specified space due to a car parked in one of the guest spaces close to the driveways, do not drive or park in the grass. Damage to the property can be very expensive and in the end, all residents pay for the care of the lawns. The street outside your residence would be more appropriate. When parking in the street, make sure to keep tires on curbs and not on grass. If the problem continues, contact the management company
The Common Area belongs to everyone but is monitored and maintained by Braeside Park Homeowners Association. BPHA has the legal right to be in charge of the common area, driveways, parking lots, and patios. The common area, parking lots, driveways, and patios are for the use of all residents under the rules set by BPHA board. The common area is owned by BPHA. Remember that any building and maintenance improvements cannot extend out into the common area. When possible, please practice walking on sidewalks and/or stepping stones and not on the grass.
FLOWER BEDS: Individual flower beds are permitted at the owner’s expense. Flower beds are not to be planted in front of the units. Under normal circumstances, flower beds do not require board approval. However, if you are planning to extend your flower bed, board approval will be required if the extension is on common ground. Landscape timbers are encouraged to aid in keeping the lawn mowers from damaging your flowers beds.

Please remember to not set your trash out before trash day. Everyone in Braeside Park must have trash service. Most of the residents use Town and Country Trash. Please keep your patio areas clean of trash. If persistent trash issues are not addressed by the resident and Braeside Park HOA has to remove trash from patios, the resident will be billed for this service.